Fledgling Whangarei industry needs Hundertwasser vibrancy

Posted: 03/06/15

A key player in Whangarei’s tech sector has outlined the case for the Hundertwasser art centre, from a technology and design viewpoint. On his Mashmatix blog, Nick Williamson says Whangarei needs to embrace technology to keep up with the world, and to attract and keep people with digital and design skills.

Global head of Saatchi sends message to Whangarei

Release updated with new quote, see below (12.35pm)

Posted: 19/05/15

New York-based global Executive Chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi has spoken to the residents of Whangarei via his blog, urging them to vote ‘B’ for the Hundertwasser Wairau Maori Art Centre in the current referendum.

Referendum starts with mass mail-out

Posted: 14/05/15

A flurry of supporters rushed to the Whangarei Loves Hundertwasser Facebook page to report they received their voter information packs today, the first day of the binding public referendum.